I remember growing up playing with Bubble wrap anytime we got a package. And my brother's and I would make it our mission to pop every single last Bubble. Now, as a mom of 2 boys, when I get Bubble wrap from a package I try to make it a big deal, because come one, these were the original pop it's! Down below are some ways we've included Bubble wrap in our play! Give them a try with your little one next time Bubble wrap makes an appearance in your home!
My 2 year old is in that phase where he wants to bang everything to hear the sound it makes. Dinos and Bubble wrap are a great outlet for those Littles who are all about banging things on tables.
Adding Bubble wrap to your painting experience really takes it up a level and the results are beautiful. I drizzled paint onto the Bubble wrap and carefully placed it over a big construction paper. Then my little one had a ball pressing into the Bubble wrap and slapping his hands all around while creating a masterpiece.
Change up the road with Bubble wrap! This was fun rolling the cars over the Bubble wrap to hear the popping sound. We even threw in some monster trucks for the ultimate pop!
If you like these fun ideas, check out some of the other activities down below! And check back as Im always adding to our fun list!