If you've been following along with us, we are now at the letter C for our learning time! We have some ways before we get to the end of the alphabet and we're enjoying the journey! If you're looking for activities that start with the letter "C" this read is for you!
"C" is for Car
This fun activity cost me $1 in total and my 2 year old was hooked! This is a great way to change the pace with your little car fanatic.
Working on shapes while talking about cars, sounds like a win win to me!
This turned into a family activity and was so fun and rewarding. This design a car activity is great for all ages!
My boys love a good sensory bin and this one was a blast. With black dyed rice for the base, this really kept the boys occupied while I got some much needed editing in!
After a long week these cars were definitely in need of a car wash. My youngest enjoyed this so much and I enjoyed the help on toy cleaning!
"C" is for Cookie
It didn't take my little ones long to pick up on thos fun cookie counting activity! They love to count everything they seen so this was definitely a treat!
This cookie color sorting activity notnonly helped with learning our colors but because we laid the plates out in a big circle, the boys burned lots of energy finding the right colors to match!
This taste safe cookie dough playdoh was not only a huge hit with the boys but super
"C" is for Caterpillar
How can we talk about caterpillars without this classic?! This Threading Activity is a great way to work on those fine motor skills with your little ones. Which in the long run helps with talk such as writing and using scissors!
Want something that will keep your little ones engaged while reading? This paper plate craft did just that for my little ones. They really enjoyed feeding the hungry caterpillar and watching him grow as we read along.
That concludes our activities for the letter "C" this week. If you enjoyed these activities, check out some of the other fun learning activities we've done! And check back here as I'm always adding to our fun list!